Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Repository, TULIP, and your PDR

For staff currently preparing Portfolios of Activity for PDR purposes, this may be the first time you have had cause to use the University Repository. Issues regarding how the Repository and TULIP interact for these purposes have been covered in other blog posts and documents. This entry brings together links to the most relevant.

The most important element to note at the moment is that ordinarily item details are transferred from the Repository into TULIP each night. However, you can also refresh your TULIP records from the Repository on demand from within the Portfolio itself. Go to the Research/Scholarship tab and then, in the Research Outputs section, click on [Refresh my Research Outputs from the Repository].

Please note:
  1. New items must be deposited in the Repository before they become available in TULIP (the status after you deposit will state "Under Review" - the records will become live after quick checking from library staff).
  2. For changes to an existing item, the new version must be live in the Repository before it becomes visible in TULIP. The exception to this rule is Confidential items, as these never become live in the Repository. In this case the new version only needs to be deposited.
Information on:
How to update the details of a record that was originally created in TULIP - (see also the "Life After Launch" document -

How to create a brand new record (i.e. not to modify an existing record) -

How to have a record available to your Portfolio of Activity but not appear on your staff profile -

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